Los Santos County

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  1. Hound

    Happy Holidays!

    Enjoy yourselves.
  2. Hound

    [Discussion] PK vs CK and rules around this

    I have briefly touched upon this in the staff team but I can see this going one of two ways. Either entire rage will ensue following a CK or people will do all kinds of things to avoid that situation. After the CK has taken place the playerbase will leave. Its all well and good thinking this is...
  3. Hound

    [Discussion] PK vs CK and rules around this

    As I've already stated in the staff chat. I do not think wiping all assets is a good thing. Now I'm going to use an example I used in the staff chat earlier and I know we're not an RPG but stay with me here. Ask yourself this. Do you really think players will want to potentially lose...
  4. Hound

    [Discussion] PK vs CK and rules around this

    Character CKs should only be forced when being killed by your own faction as this is a huge step in development for both factions and the characters. I don't think anyone else should have the right to CK you unless you choose to for that reason. A CK is a big thing and forcing CKs would be a...
  5. Hound

    The Eagle Serves No Banner, The Rats Invade Though (EP: TWO)

    This was a really good read, man. Looking forward to following this as your character progresses.
  6. Hound

    [FORUM] Alignment

    Right just tested it myself. I'll let em know. Thanks for reporting.
  7. Hound

    [FORUM] Alignment

    Test Seems to work just fine. I'll leave this open in case anyone else is having the same issue. I've also moved this into the right section as its not a suggestion.
  8. Hound

    What type of jobs would you like to see?

    It would be nice to see jobs such as trucking that require specific licenses IRL to have the applicants do those sort of tests e.g an HGV license in order to drive actual trucks and not vans.
  9. Hound

    New GTAV vehicles & clothes for the next DLC.

    Looks good but those helmets always look like they are massive.
  10. Hound

    [DISCUSSION] What is on you is on you

    Ignore my vote. I meant to hit yes. i agree with this as many people during my time on other servers I used to see people try and find a loop hole in the rule and it makes it much easier for players to manage.
  11. Hound

    Your first RP server?

    Sammy's Dark RP on Gmod then IBP-RP when I moved over to GTA.
  12. Hound

    Steam Names
