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"Always Faithful, Always Forward"


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2019
Reaction score
May 4th, 2010.
MARSOC 1st Marine Raider Battalion facility in United States Marine Corp barracks, Nineveh province.

Today they said it was going to be a new day, but from what I can gather... from what I can see, from what I can hear?
It seems like today? It's the same as any other day I've spent on this planet while serving my country, a country that
my parents and their parents before them and their parents before them have served for, put their lives on the line for,
but from what I can gather, and see with my own two eyes?
*Chuckles* It seems like no matter what I do, and say...
nobody seems to take into account what I have to say, it's like my opinion doesn't matter... unless I'm out in the field
with my brothers in arms, behind enemy lines, risking our necks for something that we believe in, but in reality
something that our country has seemed to forget about, and believe in.

See, when I was growing up, my pops always said to me: "Son, the day you fear something in this life,
is going to be the day you fail in this life." and quite honestly, he was brutally right. Ever since I met
Marie Jeniffer Smith at high school I've feared what she might say about this, or that; blah blah blah,
same ole bullshit, and I tended to fail at a lot of things... until I applied for the Marine Corp. That...
that's when everything changed, that's when my little brother, and my little sister... both of them?
Well, my sister thought I was one crazy son of a bitch but my brother? He knew, he knew there
was no changing my mind. Our father, our grandfather... our great grandfather? All did something
to protect this great nation we live in today. So of course, me being daddy's boy, I went the same
exact route he once did. Our pops though? May that man rest in peace with all his soul, my mom's
didn't exactly take his passing too lightly. Took her a long time to overtime that stress that was
put upon her heart, but eventually... eventually mama overcame it. But obviously, she didn't
forget it. Neither did me, my little brother, or my little sister.

You know, sometimes I wonder... why do I even bother writing letters... not even letters,
just diaries in a notepad, when I know nobody's going to even read these in my lifetime.
You know, in MARSOC we had a motto; "Always Faithful, Always Forward." It meant,
always be faithful to those who're close to you, and willing to help... but don't be
afraid to move on forward when the time calls for it, and God comes down
and strikes you with his chavel, banging it and demanding something
from you.