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Death System


Staff member
Los Santos Police Department
Dec 28, 2018
Reaction score
Bradley Snow
Death System
Los Santos County
Last Updated: 05/FEB/2021
Written By: @Erty

Overview | Commands | Media

The death system is part of Los Santos County gameplay. The death system surrounds every player, as it is an important part of every roleplay scenario. The death system starts to occur once a player has been put into brutally wounded mode, has been knocked out by another player, or has died after sustaining serious wounds, resulting in being put into death mode.

The brutally wounded mode can occur, when anyone has been damaged by either firearm(s) or melee weapon(s), which have caused severe wounds to the character. Once a player has been put into a brutally wounded mode, they cannot be helped up and must wait for paramedics, to be finished by another player or accept their own death.

Knocked out mode can occur, when players are beating each other with fists or brass knuckles and the health reaches too low. The player, who has been knocked out, is unconscious scriptwise and In Character. They can be helped up after a countdown ends after a minute.

Death mode occurs, when players have died scriptwise. This happens, if the player has been finished by another player through any damage causing method or the wounded player has accepted their death. Players, who are in dead mode, are considered deceased In Character.​

/damages [id]
  • Description: Allows you to view the damages of a specified player.
/helpup [id]
  • Description: Allows you to help up a specified player that's knocked out.
  • Description: Allows a player to accept death while in brutally wounded after a specified amount of time.
  • Description: Allows you respawn yourself once the death timer has finished countdown.
  • Note: You will respawn at the closest hospital to your death.
