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Business Leasing Information & Application [CLOSED]

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Well-Known Member
Retired Admin
Modding Team
Los Santos Police Department
Property Management Team
Jun 12, 2019
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In stark contrast to previous communities our approach to the matter at hand is different. The goal is to allow every member of the community to use a business or property for his or her role play and/or faction. The guidelines and application form outlined hereafter, are the expectations from Property Management and LS County Management towards the members leasing these.

We also want to stress there will be a limited number of them and they will not be handed out through the first come first serve principle but will be reviewed based on different criteria.

In total LS County will offer the following types of businesses for leasing:
  • Clubs (Limited to 2 being publicly available for leasing and 1 being reserved for events)
  • Bars (Limited to 3 being publicly available for leasing)
  • Restaurants (Limited to 4 being publicly available for leasing)
  • Garages (Limited to 4 being publicly available for leasing)
Keep in mind, that the availability of these businesses may be increased depending on player count and general demand.

Factions may request a property or business through the leasing form below. If it is deemed suitable the applicant will be contacted by Property Management to arrange for the creation and distribution of the property or business. Property in the sense of this post is considered as the main ground(s) on which the the business is placed script-wise. A club may have an outdoor areal surrounding the entrance, similarly a garage may have an outdoor areal associated with it to display cars for sale.

Business Leasing Fee:
The fee which will be required from the leaser, will be announced to the main leaser as well as the different payment methods. The payment in itself will be based on the average income a business provides (a) player(s) with, and adjusted to not takeaway more than 20% of the weekly income from a business. This is done in-order to allow businesses and their leasers to flourish and to create a living from owning any such business.

Should a leaser have to go on a leave of absence for a prolonged period of time, he or she must inform Property Management in due time about his or her leave of absence in-order to not have the business removed. If the leave of absence shall take longer than two weeks time (e.g. vacation or illness), the leaser must appoint a deputy in his or her stead who is capable of running the business and conduct the payments of the fee in his or her stead. The deputy must be announced to Property Management at least one day (X-1) before the next due payment. Shall it be the case that due to circumstances outside of the leasers influence he or she cannot submit a leave of absence report before, they must make Property Management aware of at the soonest time possible, however the grace period for such may be the two week mark. As soon as the warning has been issued, leave of absences are not accepted anymore.

Revocation process:
If a leased business has gone unpaid for two weeks, an official warning will be issued to the leaser by Property Management. Upon the reception of the warning the leaser has two (2) days time to pay the outstanding amount, should this not be the case the revocation process will be initiated.

The first step of the process is to inform the leaser of the upcoming revocation of the lease and the included repercussions, which include the following:
  • No refund of the already paid fees
  • Complete wipe of any stored/stocked/bought or otherwise acquired items/inventory within the grounds of the business
  • Complete wipe of script-wise ownership of the business
  • Complete reset to stock specifications
  • One strike added to the Leasing Register
Once this notice has gone unacknowledged for two (2) days, Property Management will close the leased business until the wipe has been concluded (the wipe will be conducted normally within 7 days). Such closures will be announced through the Property Section on the forum and the business will be rendered unusable for the time until a post about the available lease is made public in the business leases section.

The second step of the process is the removal or transfer of the ownership of the business script-wise to the Head of Property Management or his or her Assistant. The Head of Property Management will then review the lease and initiate the wipe of all inventory or items within the grounds of the leased property. This wipe may be conducted by members of the Property Management Team with the appropriate permission levels. Inventory or items on the grounds of the business which are not owned by or explicitly connected to the business will not be part of the wipe, for example should a car that is owned by the leaser be parked on the grounds of a business (e.g. a garage) with the intent for it to be sold, will not be wiped as it is considered personal property. However, inventory or items stored within the grounds of the business (e.g. the storage) will be wiped regardless of their value.

Once the wipe is complete and the business has been reset to stock specifications, it will be made available for lease again. The previous leaser may not attempt to apply for another lease for at least one month, should he or she try to reacquire the same business or another that is currently available, the leaser will be banned from applying for six months. The one month grace period will start once the previously leased business is made available again (E.g. Club #1 is made available for lease on 01/MAR/2020, the previous leaser may not apply for another lease until and including the 31/MAR/2020).

Return of leased businesses:
If a leased business is to be returned because the leaser deems it no longer necessary (e.g. faction related business), he or she may inform the Head of Property Management about their intent. The leaser may keep operating the business until the ownership is transferred away from him or her. Should the process of transferal of ownership take longer than a week or the payment period, the leaser must not pay his or her leasing fee (as it is within Property Management's responsibility to transfer the ownership before the next due payment). Upon the transferal of the ownership within the next seventy-two (72/3 days) a full refund of the fee payments will be made.

Available businesses:
More information will be made available closer to launch (including approximate pricing of fees and pictures).

Please send the form attached to this post to @Fox via the forum's private messages with the title stating "Business Leasing Application".

For questions feel free to send a private message to @Fox on the forums or contact him on Discord via a DM @Foxiiic#0047

When submitting this application to lease a property from the Property Management Team of Los Santos County, you understand and agree to the following points:
- Property Management reserves the rights to remove, re-brand, move, or in other ways interact with the business you lease.
- Property Management reserves the right to not disclose the reasons for a removal of the lease, or reset of the entrance fees.
- Property Management requires from the leaser a weekly leasing fee, shall it go unpaid for two weeks a written notice about the due payments will be sent to the leaser. If the payments have not been completed within two days from the notice, Property Management will remove the ownership of the leaser without a refund of any previous payments.
- Property Management expects the leaser to actively provide and create quality role play for the community. Shall the leaser fail to uphold this task, the business will be removed.
- Property Management expects the leaser to uphold the rules and standards of Los Santos County at all times.
- Property Management will in timely intervals, unannounced, review the leaser's conduct and whether he or she is still deemed suitable for the position.
- Such reviews are made on an out-of-character basis, however may involve the characters of Property Management members visiting the establishments in question.
- Reviews and their findings will be made public to the leaser upon request.
- Property Management reserves the right to remove the business or property from the leaser if the cause for the lease was a faction, which in turn has disbanded or has gone inactive.
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Well-Known Member
Retired Admin
Modding Team
Los Santos Police Department
Property Management Team
Jun 12, 2019
Reaction score
Character Name:
Firstname Lastname
Forum Name: Name
Discord Handle: @NAME#0000
Administrative Record: Image here.

Basic character outline:

Answer here.
Are you associated with a faction (official/unofficial or legal/illegal)?: [Tick the appropriate answer]
Yes [ ] / No [ ]
If you ticked yes to the above question; Which faction are you part of and explain your reasoning why you wish to lease this business?:
Answer here.
Will the business or property be used primarily for or by the faction, and may thus be considered a faction business?:
Answer here.
How do you plan to create an active and fully functional business?
Answer here.
What sort of role play do you wish to facilitate, if you were allowed to lease a business?:
Answer here.
If you are applying to lease a club, how will you make sure you set it apart from the competition?:
Answer here.
If you are applying to lease a garage, how will you ensure that your staff (e.g. your mechanics) will provide quality role play?:
Answer here.
How do you feel about events in your business, that solely revolve around "giveaways" or "competitions" of any sort?:
Answer here.
How do you feel about Property Management possibly resetting entrance fees if they are deemed to high?
Answer here.
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