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[Discussion] Fire Department and the community.

Lord Unknown

Jul 1, 2019
Reaction score
South Africa
Ryan O'Connor

I've been meaning to post this topic to gather information, on what the community would like to see from the Fire Department's side. I know a lot of servers run each differently, but before we decide what to do and how to do everything, I'd like to know what the community would like to see from the Fire Department's side.


Dec 10, 2019
Reaction score
Honestly, I think the main issue with Fire Department is that there's not much to do. I think they deserve a lot of exposure in the city, especially because they're very important to have around. They deserve to be on the news, being interviewed, getting recognition from everywhere possible too. Do charity events, parades to make people know that the Fire Department is there to help them, and seek recruitment that way. Make mini events happen with other factions if needed, associate with them even if it's not expected. A lot of things can happen with a bit of communication and socialization. Maybe a faction leader will offer a small event to happen— just to create a bit of role-play and do something fun.
If there's not much happening, organize a small or large training session outside of the HQ or around LS. The Fire Department should be active around LS, turning down fires or helping victims from car crashes or doing charity runs and parades to reinforce recruitment. They should aim for a hiring increase, and have a way to have activity around the city, or else, it'll be a dry swamp.


Well-Known Member
Retired Admin
Modding Team
Los Santos Police Department
Property Management Team
Jun 12, 2019
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I can ensure you of the support of the PD and lots of cooperation from our side, with that come of course the willingness to share and exchange information, standards, trainings etc. I believe with the right amount of support between the two factions we can really grow together and make both sides enjoyable, especially when fostering an environment that builds upon trust, understanding and knowledge.

Generally speaking however, I hope LSFD does not turn into a dating department, where every female doctor, medic, engineer or whatever has had a relationship with someone else. Similarly I hope for a quality over quantity approach, and that FD personnel remains professional even under stressful conditions (as the personnel numbers between FD and PD will differ most likely), e.g. not giving out attitude over the departmental radio to PD when there's numerous calls for assistance coming in. I'll make sure that PD won't give out some attitude, so I'd expect the same from the other side.

Don't just have your ambulances and engines sitting at the HQ either, allow them to patrol the city and RP on their own. Visibility is key, then of course I wish for joint training ops and assisting each other in events (e.g. provide medical support for PD academy ceremonies and vice versa).


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2019
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Vienna Everaux
I honestly hope LSFD will be very interactive with the community just like the two above mentioned through parades, charities & other smaller hosted events, I'd love see them patrol around town as well instead of sitting at their HQ till a call drops in, showing an active roleplay attitude will reflect positively on the faction, LSFD will probably have a small team of people and it will be rather stressful at times due to the amount of calls but I believe you guys will have a hold of that.

I can't disagree with Fox on the dating department half, really hope that doesn't happen as it's been the case on many communities before.

Snow Wolf

Nov 20, 2019
Reaction score
Whenever I drove past our local FD station in the summer, they were hosting barbecues on their porch. Maybe you should just do that lol

On a more serious note, idk how the vehicle system might look like. In SAMP, you had vehicle HP and your car was totalled when it reached 250. It just couldn't move and circumvented the vehicle explosion thing (which luckily isnt a thing anymore as much on V). But perhaps we could implement a similar system with a chance of having your doors stuck etc? So if you crash your car and total it, there might be a realistic chance that your door is jammed and you can't get out without FD interaction. I figure this can be really annoying at times though


Aug 26, 2019
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Laura Murphy
Whenever I drove past our local FD station in the summer, they were hosting barbecues on their porch. Maybe you should just do that lol

On a more serious note, idk how the vehicle system might look like. In SAMP, you had vehicle HP and your car was totalled when it reached 250. It just couldn't move and circumvented the vehicle explosion thing (which luckily isnt a thing anymore as much on V). But perhaps we could implement a similar system with a chance of having your doors stuck etc? So if you crash your car and total it, there might be a realistic chance that your door is jammed and you can't get out without FD interaction. I figure this can be really annoying at times though
I think that would be a great idea to have. As it stands, vehicle RP is purely that, just being RP'd. If there were some actual mechanics to the vehicle crashes and extrication of patients then that would be awesome. Such as you suggested, doors being jammed, engines running, leaking fuel/fluids.

I honestly hope LSFD will be very interactive with the community just like the two above mentioned through parades, charities & other smaller hosted events, I'd love see them patrol around town as well instead of sitting at their HQ till a call drops in, showing an active roleplay attitude will reflect positively on the faction, LSFD will probably have a small team of people and it will be rather stressful at times due to the amount of calls but I believe you guys will have a hold of that.

I can't disagree with Fox on the dating department half, really hope that doesn't happen as it's been the case on many communities before.
Personally I'll always be in a vehicle patrolling around and trying to interact with the community. I have some great ideas in the works for large scale training missions, charity events, community liaison sessions etc etc. I want this FD to be set apart from the rest and to be an example to everyone how good RP can actually be.


Aug 26, 2019
Reaction score
Laura Murphy
Generally speaking however, I hope LSFD does not turn into a dating department, where every female doctor, medic, engineer or whatever has had a relationship with someone else. Similarly I hope for a quality over quantity approach, and that FD personnel remains professional even under stressful conditions (as the personnel numbers between FD and PD will differ most likely), e.g. not giving out attitude over the departmental radio to PD when there's numerous calls for assistance coming in. I'll make sure that PD won't give out some attitude, so I'd expect the same from the other side.

I'll be writing a Code of Conduct for the FD and that fraternization is a no no between FD members. It causes unnecessary drama within the department and can really complicate things in the long run. I'm 100% agreeing with you on that. The RP around that just stinks and I want a professional environment.

Lord Unknown

Jul 1, 2019
Reaction score
South Africa
Ryan O'Connor
Honestly, I think the main issue with Fire Department is that there's not much to do. I think they deserve a lot of exposure in the city, especially because they're very important to have around.

I agree with your point. There isn't much to do, and yea, I am planning on showing presence throughout the city from the Fire Department's side. I see this as important and it shows the people around the city that the Fire Department is there, it shows they want to help, it shows that they will help if the need comes up. I don't want firefighters to sit at the HQ all day and wait for a call to come, I will work against that, I want the firefighters/emts to patrol, show presence, and help citizens.

They deserve to be on the news, being interviewed, getting recognition from everywhere possible too.

This isn't as important to me. I don't want the public to see the fire department as a faction that wants to be noticed through awards, rewards, news, etc. I want the fire department to be noticed through the activity they put in around the city. I want them to see the Fire Department as a faction that can and will help them in their time of need.

Do charity events, parades to make people know that the Fire Department is there to help them, and seek recruitment that way. Make mini events happen with other factions if needed, associate with them even if it's not expected.

I do plan to be active with this. I will most likely run charity events and similar events. It throws more presence out from the Fire Department's side, and gives a chance for the community to interact with the fire department on a social level. Events with other factions is also a possibility, but it always depends on what is going on at the current time of which the event is planned, or is happening.

A lot of things can happen with a bit of communication and socialization. Maybe a faction leader will offer a small event to happen— just to create a bit of role-play and do something fun.
If there's not much happening, organize a small or large training session outside of the HQ or around LS.

Socialisation will be a priority to me. I want the Fire Department to be actively interacting with the community, and to give advice on certain cases, first aid training will also be a thing I will implement within the department, allowing citizens to get certified to do basic first aid such as BLS, in the case of first responders being unavailable.
On the topic of trainings, I think it might be a good thing, if we allow civilians to interact with firefighters that are conducting training, and possibly allowing them to join in and learn a few new things in the training. This will allow people to learn more, and know what to do in certain situations. I also think that if we publicly announce when training sessions will happen and where, people will be able to observe the fire department's staff, ask questions, socialise and so forth.

The Fire Department should be active around LS, turning down fires or helping victims from car crashes or doing charity runs and parades to reinforce recruitment. They should aim for a hiring increase, and have a way to have activity around the city, or else, it'll be a dry swamp.

That is my main objective for the start of the server and throughout the time it is up. I want the fire department to be active throughout the city. I wont allow firefighters to sit at the HQ and wait. I want them to be out in the field, they will be assigned to a vehicle unit, who they operate with, who the shift supervisors are, etc. I also will not allow command staff to always just do command/supervisory things. As long as there is sufficient units out in the field, they can, if not, as much as a Firefighter is in an ambulance I want to see a Captain in the ambulance.
We wont be turning down fires, although, we most likely will put them out. :). All firefighters (In my opinion.) will be training in both medical and firefighting. This allows them to adapt to the situations around them and be able to respond to any possible call that does come in.
On the subject of hiring, there will be active recruitment drives, information sessions IC, and a lot more. I want people to be enthusiastic on joining the Fire Department, not join to just "help out".

I can ensure you of the support of the PD and lots of cooperation from our side, with that come of course the willingness to share and exchange information, standards, trainings etc. I believe with the right amount of support between the two factions we can really grow together and make both sides enjoyable, especially when fostering an environment that builds upon trust, understanding and knowledge.

I completely agree with you here. I will extend this from the Fire Department's side. I want both the factions to interact with one another on a social, respectful and professional level. With a division I'm leading within the department, I'm sure that the Fire Department and Police Department will closely and actively work with one another on certain cases. (EW FIRE MARSHAL)
Trust is also an important thing within a relationships between the two departments. I want the Fire Department to actively and easily be able to work with the Police Department, and in certain cases even help each other, out in the field.

Generally speaking however, I hope LSFD does not turn into a dating department, where every female doctor, medic, engineer or whatever has had a relationship with someone else. Similarly I hope for a quality over quantity approach, and that FD personnel remains professional even under stressful conditions (as the personnel numbers between FD and PD will differ most likely), e.g. not giving out attitude over the departmental radio to PD when there's numerous calls for assistance coming in. I'll make sure that PD won't give out some attitude, so I'd expect the same from the other side.

Dating Department is a big no from me. This will be ensured on an OOC level and possibly even an IC level. I don't want the department to be overrun by thots and mallrats being there for the paychecks. I will closely keep an eye on the members of the LSFD's activity, and based from that warnings can strike, to possible terminations of employment whether it be an OOC termination or IC. I want the department to be seen as a roleplay environment that is BEARABLE to roleplay within, and to be around.

Quality will definitely come before quantity. In my eyes it doesn't help to have a large quantity of first responders, but they can't provide quality roleplay. During a certain phase of recruitment roleplay quality is already determined from an IC and OOC level.

On the topic of professionalism. I will not allow department employees to be disrespectful over comms, this is also a big no to me and I do lead the IA group within the FD, and I will take upon any IA report and thoroughly investigate it. On that case, I do encourage any other department to not hesitate a IA report on someone misusing department communication, or in the field disrespect and unprofessional communication, conducting of work and so forth.

And yes. I extend to the Police Department the same from the Fire Department, professionalism, ethical conduct of work, and more.

Don't just have your ambulances and engines sitting at the HQ either, allow them to patrol the city and RP on their own. Visibility is key, then of course I wish for joint training ops and assisting each other in events (e.g. provide medical support for PD academy ceremonies and vice versa).

This will not be allowed from my side, as mentioned above in the reply. I do want the firefighters/emt's to be active within the area of Los Santos, and all over the area. I want them to show their presence.
Joint training ops in my eyes, sounds like it could be beneficial for both the departments.

Whenever I drove past our local FD station in the summer, they were hosting barbecues on their porch. Maybe you should just do that lol

This I can see happen, honestly. It provides RP and it allows for social interaction between the community and the department.

On a more serious note, idk how the vehicle system might look like. In SAMP, you had vehicle HP and your car was totalled when it reached 250. It just couldn't move and circumvented the vehicle explosion thing (which luckily isnt a thing anymore as much on V). But perhaps we could implement a similar system with a chance of having your doors stuck etc? So if you crash your car and total it, there might be a realistic chance that your door is jammed and you can't get out without FD interaction. I figure this can be really annoying at times though

In my honest opinion, this is something that you have to RP. I do not expect a script to be doing that, instead I expect the players of the server to RP what needs to be RP'd, and to RP it thoroughly.

Snow Wolf

Nov 20, 2019
Reaction score
In my honest opinion, this is something that you have to RP. I do not expect a script to be doing that, instead I expect the players of the server to RP what needs to be RP'd, and to RP it thoroughly.
I'd genuinely laugh if i roleplayed being stuck in a vehicle and the firefighter just asks me if i tried pressing F 😂


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2019
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Roleplay actual characters, not robots. I wanna see firefighters and PD rping daily lives when off duty.


Head of Factions
Retired Admin
Jan 1, 2019
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Los Angeles, USA
In the US, whenever a 911 call happens of someone being hurt or getting an injury, FD is usually the first to respond and be there. If FD cannot do anything, that's when the EMT is called. They do much more than just extinguish fires. They patrol, take care of their trucks, respond to people being locked out of their cars(hopefully something can be scripted to cause that on an rng basis) and a lot more. I don't mind rping a random building or field fire as well to keep FD busy on summer days but a lot of these things are overlooked.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
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I think that there is not enough events held by FD, they can do so much more then just respond to car crashes or gun shot wounds, when guns are introduced, majority of the FD people get bored because it's always the same call, and eventually it gets boring. Bringing random events would be a great thing like a house fire, business checks, licenses, pharmacy, maybe play lifeguard and host an ig event at the beach with a bbq or something, ride alongs.. There is so much that you can actually do as a firefighter, but it's a team effort.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
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David Sullivan
I feel like there should be a way to arrange actual fire events. I don’t know if this will have to be admin controlled maybe?

It would be a lot of fun to be able to have the FD battling a house fire every now and then. Maybe something for the suggestions forum?


Aug 26, 2019
Reaction score
Laura Murphy
I think that there is not enough events held by FD, they can do so much more then just respond to car crashes or gun shot wounds, when guns are introduced, majority of the FD people get bored because it's always the same call, and eventually it gets boring. Bringing random events would be a great thing like a house fire, business checks, licenses, pharmacy, maybe play lifeguard and host an ig event at the beach with a bbq or something, ride alongs.. There is so much that you can actually do as a firefighter, but it's a team effort.
All of this stuff was covered in another server and yet the FD crumbled rather quickly, RP got boring and stale so people resigned within a couple weeks.

Were trying to think outside of the box this time round and make our FD unique.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
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David Sullivan
What if you run some sort of courses that are open to the public? That will keep things fresh and interesting.

I’m thinking something along the line of First Aid courses? Maybe you could have an official LSFD endorsed certificate of completion. And possibly an expiry date of 3 months(?)... that would keep people coming back for refresher courses.

This could tie in with multiple businesses and legal factions that could require certain (or all) members to be qualified in First Aid?

What do you think?

Lord Unknown

Jul 1, 2019
Reaction score
South Africa
Ryan O'Connor
What if you run some sort of courses that are open to the public? That will keep things fresh and interesting.

I’m thinking something along the line of First Aid courses? Maybe you could have an official LSFD endorsed certificate of completion. And possibly an expiry date of 3 months(?)... that would keep people coming back for refresher courses.

This could tie in with multiple businesses and legal factions that could require certain (or all) members to be qualified in First Aid?

What do you think?

I want the Fire Department to be actively interacting with the community, and to give advice on certain cases, first aid training will also be a thing I will implement within the department, allowing citizens to get certified to do basic first aid such as BLS, in the case of first responders being unavailable.

This is already planned, but I thank you for your input anyways. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
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David Sullivan
Ah! That’ll teach me to read previous posts properly! :censored: Haha


Well-Known Member
Retired Admin
Jun 12, 2019
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Kekoa Hale
It will always be a tough go with FD as role play can get repetitive and it's not exactly exhilarating. The most success I've seen on previous servers resulted from a core group of people that were "role play creators" so to say. They did things such as host smaller events as previously mentioned in this thread, but they also also focused HEAVILY on character development. This character development aided them in creating strong relationships with other factions throughout the server which in turn brought more opportunities forward for them.


Aug 26, 2019
Reaction score
Laura Murphy
It will always be a tough go with FD as role play can get repetitive and it's not exactly exhilarating. The most success I've seen on previous servers resulted from a core group of people that were "role play creators" so to say. They did things such as host smaller events as previously mentioned in this thread, but they also also focused HEAVILY on character development. This character development aided them in creating strong relationships with other factions throughout the server which in turn brought more opportunities forward for them.
I will be keeping a close eye on people's character developments as the server runs its course. I don't want people portraying an unrealistic FireFighter here, It just ends up giving the faction a bad view and a bad name. We'll be working with the FD Handler in Faction Management closely to keep things as realistic as possible but obviously allowing a bit off leeway here and there as we don't want this to become a job simulator.

As I stated above, I have some great ideas for events the FD can hold so that'll be something to look forward to. I want the FD to have a close bond with the community where people know they can come in at any time to see us, have a coffee, have some food, just come for a conversation. The Fire House should be a safe haven for the members of public so that's what I'm aiming for.