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Property Management: What are you expecting?

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Aug 16, 2019
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Alexander Mayfield
Automated inactivity sales certainly makes sense. We're not necessarily saying weekly nor monthly, but tri-monthly would give players enough time to login and check in. Failing that, it should be vacated.


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Property Management Team
Jun 12, 2019
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Automated inactivity sales certainly makes sense. We're not necessarily saying weekly nor monthly, but tri-monthly would give players enough time to login and check in. Failing that, it should be vacated.
Automated sales will be part of the system of check-ups. Property Management actions will only be taken, if a player has been banned from the server and his or her properties are of value to the community at large and thus require (immediate) replacement (e.g. businesses, "Landmark Properties (WIP-Term)"). The way inactivity sales will happen has yet to be discussed, as it has to fall in line with the other systems planned out at the moment.

Generally speaking, as new Head of Property Management, I have read this topic and am taking much inspiration from it in regards to the concerns we will try to tackle. The overall goal is to simplify much of the process and be quite transparent when it comes to parts of it to the community as a whole. Hence this response. We have already manifested it as our goal for businesses to be player-driven, meaning that business owners will have to offer jobs to players. During the launch phase, this will only apply to certain kinds of businesses at the start but as the server continues to expand and the systems running in the background are refined, we will slowly transition all businesses in batches to a more player orientated and driven approach.

For properties and housing, we currently are working on the broad objectives we have set for ourselves. We hope to be able to share more with everyone on this soon(tm), and be able to present everyone with a solution that hopefully suits most everyones needs. However, I do not want to give a time-frame for this here nor is the soon(tm) meant that something will be delivered within the next couple of weeks. Just keep a look out is what I am saying.

As touched upon in the first paragraph, properties of all kinds (except vehicles) will have regular check-ups either automated or by the Property Management team in terms of activity, but also in terms of quality. This is especially important when it comes to businesses to avoid many popular syndromes of the lack of differentiation, though some of these will also apply to housing. But again, this information is not yet ready to be shared in its entirety. We hope however, the envisioned compromise will satisfy the player base at large.


Dec 10, 2019
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For the sake of keeping this short, I hope businesses are being kept as something rather exclusive, so not every Doe can own a restaurant, club, or garage which would requires a quite hefty initial sum to get started. Though small shops, like your corner 24/7 that does not belong to a huge franchise, or a Café should be "inexpensive" in monetary terms.
Very well put.
Small businesses should not be a pain in the ass to own, in fact, it should be encouraged a little. A good chunk of the factions need at least one building to create and spread role-play to others that might be interested in being involved, or interested in general with the faction. It's an amazing tool for newcomers to attempt to associate themselves with the faction, and that is very needed. It should involve little to no investment, and give little earning as well because it's mainly used for creating and offering role-play.


Well-Known Member
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Los Santos Police Department
Property Management Team
Jun 12, 2019
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Very well put.
Small businesses should not be a pain in the ass to own, in fact, it should be encouraged a little. A good chunk of the factions need at least one building to create and spread role-play to others that might be interested in being involved, or interested in general with the faction. It's an amazing tool for newcomers to attempt to associate themselves with the faction, and that is very needed. It should involve little to no investment, and give little earning as well because it's mainly used for creating and offering role-play.
Measures are already being worked on, to be ready for launch, to avoid players who would not realistically be able to afford owning any such business, whilst also allowing a certain feeling of gratitude and reward for being a long standing member of our community.

For the second part in regards to small businesses, we are similarly working on a way to facilitate faction activity in combination with the affordability of housing and businesses.

No information is ready to be shared yet on that sadly, as we still have to finalize some other parts but the Property Management team and I will be able to present something of substance before the end of the year.


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Dec 15, 2019
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The Flux
As far as I'm told, there's no /rent no more, but what about motels/hotels (preferably owned by players)?
Like... To create some community hubs that people pay entrance fee and able to stay in the place in and out for 24hours since the moment they entered for hookups/business purposes/making connections/status/secretive stuff etc.

The hotels should be much more expensive compared to the motels and offer an higher status, to let high society flex they money and keep things balanced. (maybe put high taxes from the income of the hotels to keep things balanced? or balance it in other ways.)
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