Was thinking of having a trucking company replace the actual trucking job, but at server release, I doubt anyone would take up that role and do legal roleplay. With this, businesses would get stocked by the company having them make more of a profit. But, more than likely, standard trucking job is going to be implemented with the restriction being that once businesses are stocked up, they're no more delivery locations.
Also, apart from the trucking such and scripted jobs. What's your guys (the communities) output on having roleplay jobs? For instance, you're able to work at a 24/7 and get paid for roleplaying creating a more lively city. That's all I'll mention of it for now, but it's something that has come to mind.
Trucking companies are definitely a thing that people enjoy doing, but at server start, no one would have the assets to realistically own one unless the Admins provided the assets right off the bat via some sort of trucking specific RP application system. It's quite popular on other servers with player-owned trucking companies, but those only came later on once the server was a bit established and people had acquired realistic in-character assets for such a company.
Other jobs I've seen in other places that are all player-run: Trucking companies, taxi companies, private transportation (Uber like companies), security companies, news corporations, law firms, film studios, music studios. The possibilities are endless, provided the economy provides for the opportunity to do so.
Roleplay jobs are great. Depending on how the economy is designed, you should allow players to work at 24/7's, liquor stores, gas stations, tattoo parlors, any of the store based locations. A popular job from other servers has been the mechanic job for car modifications. Can't forget that one. From past experience, the issue with store-based jobs (24/7, gas stations, etc.) is determining how to steer people to use the player-opened stores instead of the unopened stores with scripts in them. From past experiences, a player could open a gas station or 24/7 in Vinewood but many people are lazy and just go to one that's not opened by a player so they don't have to interact with anyone. This has been counteracted by a distance radius in other renditions of GTA V RP. So, if I were to open up a 24/7 in Vinewood, there would be a certain distance radius where other 24/7's wouldn't be open and players would have to go to the player-opened store where someone was working. You don't want to make the radius so big to where someone in Sandy Shores has to drive all the way to the city to get gas or something like that. Just a suggestion there.
I'm a big believer in mechanic, trucking, mining and fishing RP. I understand that there are people who are going to script grind it until their fingers fall off, but again you can't really stop that unless you get rid of scripted jobs entirely. There are
always going to be people who play this way. This is where a Roleplay Quality Management team earns their keep and makes sure proper character portrayal is kept up to the standards of the server. Some people want to RP a rich character with the ability to buy a business, have an expensive car, etc. and in most cases, that takes script money to do. If someone is not portraying their character correctly, i.e. a lazy backstory of "I worked hard and fished for years and now I'm rich", then they should be dealt with by Quality Management. Just my two cents on everything. Good luck with the development!