Los Santos County

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  1. Aero

    Anxiety's W.I.P

    wait I love those crocs lol
  2. Aero

    Car/Bike thread

    I am in love!
  3. Aero

    What are you listening too?

  4. Aero

    Car/Bike thread

    2019 Camry XSE v 6 <3
  5. Aero


    You're hired.
  6. Aero

    What factions are you looking forward to seeing?

    I am looking forward to the Sheriff's Department :)
  7. Aero

    Anxiety's W.I.P

  8. Aero

    What are you listening too?

  9. Aero

    Compliment the person above you!

    Smells good :)
  10. Aero

    [Discussion w/ Poll] Drug Effects

    I'm for the effects for the drugs, making it toggable is a good idea also as it may bother a lot of people. I believe that our drug system will end up having effects anyways, it just a matter of making sure it suits the type of drug.
  11. Aero

    What are you going to be RPing when LSC is out?

    In the same boat, but I feel like if I find the right gang it may end up being my main account. :)
  12. Aero

    What events can we expect to see on GTA V side of things.

    👀 I'm ready for it.
  13. Aero

    Ryder's Mods

    I love the prison clothing you made!
  14. Aero

    What events can we expect to see on GTA V side of things.

    Sure, it's whatever the community decided. We will probably have a voting system with how long they would like it to last.
  15. Aero

    What events can we expect to see on GTA V side of things.

    I would love to create events with inspiration from what Damian used to do with national disasters, hopefully we can create something like that in the future. Obviously I would like the server to build a regular playerbase before we get deeper into those type of events. Smaller events will...
  16. Aero

    Your first RP server?

    I started role-playing on The Specialist, which was a Halflife mod, that was probably in 2005. The server's I mostly played were JustRP and M7XRP (Something like that..) I eventually moved to SA:MP RP which I only played LS:RP there, in like 2007-2008 era.
  17. Aero

    What type of jobs would you like to see?

    Hey guys, A big part of any role-play server is the jobs that are available to civilians. I would love to get the communities input / suggestions on what we should do when it comes to job ideas. I would like to have a mix of legal and illegal jobs, it will expand the role-play horizon and cater...
  18. Aero

    What are you listening too?

  19. Aero

    Property Management: What are you expecting?

    So potentially like a "mortgage" system, where maybe it takes money out of your account every paycheck or something? Or you have to go somewhere to pay it or phase it being foreclosed? I think that would be interesting, and maybe we can implement a credit system where if you have certain credit...